Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More on the subject of prayer. I have found that praying is a must for a successful Christian life. There is a lot that could be said about prayer, but I will just give a number of tips which could help your prayer life.

1. Be humble before the Lord. Ask Him to help you to come into His Presence.

2. Be diligent. If you set a time apart to pray each and every day, you will find it to be easier and easier to accomplish. (it is said that a habit developes after 21 repetitions. So, dont despair until you have done that!)

3. Be Honest, and aware that He is hearing you. God already knows everything about you. It is for YOUR own sake that you pray, not for God's sake. Just talk to Him as you would talk to a good friend (respectfully, of course).

I hope this helps.


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